Monday, March 17, 2014

Sweet Threads Grand Opening

Right before Leo was born we caught the grand opening of the cutest local childrens boutique. There were adorable treats and refreshments, and I couldn't stop squealing over the decor! Sweet Threads is bright and fresh with pretty pastels everywhere, and quirky displays like the floating frames hanging from above, and tiny chairs doubling as clothing racks. The minute you step in the door you're flooded with sweet whimsy, tying along just perfectly with the shops name. We snagged a handsome little outfit that I've been saving for Leo's first birthday party, (it actually inspired the whole theme!) and we're loving having this gem in the neighborhood! Oh and they have story time days, too! Can it get any better?! I'm excited to take toddler Leo to one eventually.

Drey $ Nicole

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Long Beach Livin'

1. Getting to take a nap on dad on his days off are always a treat!
2. Just a proud papa and his son.
3. Easy peasy banana oat muffin snacks.
4. Our Valentine dinner date spot was so cute!
5. The look he gave me when I asked if he wanted to go whale watching.
6. Crab wontons courtesy of our chef man.
7. Always twinning with their expressions.
8. He made a new puppy friend named Buster!
9. My february flea market finds.
10. Showing off his new seven month trick for mama.
11. Being Joe Cool in his baby bans.
12. A little bubbly for the bachelor with my favorite new rug.
13. Lots of growth spurt naps lately. Look at those hands!
14. A rare rainy but sunny day in the LBC.

Drey $ Nicole

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Baby Bliss

I'm gonna have to do catch up posts in between up-to-date posts because he's doing new incredible things everyday lately that I don't want to forget! The biggest new change this month is how much he's started showing us affection and just being the sweetest little joy ball! He smiles and scrunches his nose any time we happen to lock eyes from across the room or in the middle of playing, and then goes back about his business. He cries when I leave the room and his face lights up when I come back. He says mama as he's crying when he hurts himself and wants to be nurtured, (the first word he's connected to something!) and he lays his head on my shoulder or nuzzles his face in my neck, not only when he's tired but just to cuddle and show love. He turns to look at me when someone else is holding him or makes him laugh, like he has to make sure it's okay first and I approve. When he's nursing and looking up at me he'll put his hand over my mouth for clammy palm kisses and he smiles and smiles. He's so good at finding ways to communicate lately or figure out how to do things for himself, along with so much personality starting to shine through. It's magical to watch and seven months is just down right fun! All I'm saying is he sure knows how to make me feel like a million bucks and being his mama truly makes my heart swell.

Drey $ Nicole