Sunday, July 27, 2014

Repeat Button

New favorite song alert! It's seriously magical, like you're wandering through a fairytale book or a Disney story. I heard it for the first time today and literally had chills on my whole body in my eighty two degree apartment in the middle of summer. I've loved Eisley since the beginning of highschool and all of the DuPree sisters have voices of angels, so I was bound to like this side project with Stacy, her husband Derek (Drummer of Mute Math- another long time favorite band!), and husband of Elsie from A Beautiful Mess! Something about it reminds me a little of Bjork, Imogen Heap, obviously Eisley with vocals, and Sigur Ros with the violins...the perfect combination. I can't stop listening, it's just not long enough! I'm currently sucked in an all things Eisley associated listening spree on youtube and I think some itunes purchases will have to be made.

Drey $ Nicole

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Leo's first Baseball Game

Last night we took Leo to his very first baseball game, which is a pretty big deal in our family. We waited until he was old enough to enjoy it for himself and for the Rangers to come to town. He had the best reaction to it all and we could tell he totally loved it. Then again he is our kid after all so he kind of had no choice but to. As a girl who started going to Ranger games with her dad as a baby, it was so exciting to experience this first of many with our baby!

^^^He clapped and wooed and got rowdy every time the rest of the stadium did!^^^

^^^He laughed and danced at all the music and sound effects all night!^^^

^^^He finally fell asleep around 10pm when the game went into a 10th inning^^^
^^^Of  course he woke up as soon as the fireworks started and loved it! Another first!^^^

The Rangers lost but that's how things go right?! We had the best time anyway!

Drey $ Nicole

Friday, June 13, 2014

Stay Little Forever

There was a time when I never understood why people wanted their kids to stay babies forever. I thought it was for obvious selfish reasons like babies are cute and squishy and don't talk back, yada yada. Well my sweet squishy ten month old is laying asleep in my arms now, and as I stare at his peaceful little face I get it. I want him to stay this little forever. There will be a time not far from now that he will be too big to fit in the nook of my elbow and across my lap all cuddly and comfortably. There will be a time when he will lie to me, roll his eyes and dislike me. He will get his feelings hurt at school and experience physical and emotional pain that will break my helpless heart to witness. He will grow and go out into the world and I can't protect him in all the ways I can now. There will be a time when his face won't light up over every airplane in the sky or puppy that walks past us. He won't bat an eye at the little things that are huge accomplishments for him now, or pay any attention to the details in our surroundings that he's unknowingly taught me to. As a parent it's my job to instill the values and remind him to hold onto these special childhood traits, but there's only so much I can do and the rest will be up to him. There will be outside influences that will effect him and circumstances that will put our relationship through highs and lows. When I start to daydream about the future and how he will become a real boy, teenager and man, I can't help but have a mild panic attack mixed with all the worries in the world and want to rush back down to earth, to right now in this moment where he's asleep in my arms with no flaws, no broken heart, no sins, no judgement and no corruption. Right now where we are totally in sync and in love and connected. Just a purely genuine, happy and innocent little being that laughs nonstop and brings true positivity to his surroundings. He radiates joy and raw, uncorrupt love that I never want to lose. As parents we only get to experience this sweet bond for such a short amount of time. Sure you always have a special relationship, but I can imagine it will be totally different in the future as he gets older. It's sad and I dread it but it will happen one day and for that I say please stay little forever, sweet baby Leo.

Drey $ Nicole

Friday, May 30, 2014


Last night we went to MIA's show which was at a muslim hebrew college- the coolest building ever. It was my first night out since Leo was born and I missed him so much I had to bust out my phone and flip through pictures of him a few times! Her performance was so much fun to watch and I have blisters from dancing the night away but it was so worth it. She's fast becoming one of my favorites!

Drey $ Nicole

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wine and Cheese Picnic

One afternoon in January we packed up a bunch of different cheeses, picked up some wine and headed to the cliffs above the beach. We watched the sunset over the ocean and played with our sweet babe in the grass. Any excuse to use our awesome thrifted picnic basket!

Drey $ Nicole

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Repeat Button

Lately this is my go to song for dancing Leo to sleep. A magical moment always happens in the mixture of my sweet boy gripping me with his head on my shoulder, and every lyric of this song touching on exactly what I'm feeling. I can feel him getting heavy and melting onto me while my heart slowly melts away. All I can do is close my eyes and smile and breath in his sweet baby sweat and sway. After the second or third time through he's fully asleep and I'm on the highest love high possible it takes away my breath all the way into the pit of my stomach. 

Drey $ Nicole

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Florida 2013 [ Leo's first trip ] Part Two

After spending the night at my dad's in Tampa we all drove to Daytona Beach to stay the rest of the week. We've gone to Daytona every year for a pretty long time (Last year was G's first time to join the family there) and this time was very different with a newborn in tow. Leo loved being outside and for the most part, he would fall asleep immediately after stepping out the door because it was just so warm. I had my first drink in over a year but it was kinda overrated. Leo alone is such a better feeling than any kind of alcohol or anything you miss out on that whole 9 months. We walked the boardwalk, shopped the flea market and stopped for car racing. G made a maker's mark for my stepdad's birthday because it's his favorite drink. It wasn't the most shapely cake but I never called him a baking and pastry chef! The two of the went golfing as usual, and we swam the lazy river and ocean. I thought Leo was too young to get in the swimming pool but I can't wait until next time when he can enjoy all of it! It was so weird being there with my husband and son after being there as a 12 year old and on. How life changes!

Drey $ Nicole

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Florida 2013 [ Leo's first trip ] Part One

When Leo was six weeks old we took our first family vacation all the way across the country to Florida. He did soo good on all the flights there and back, nursing and sleeping and not making a peep! Everyone was shocked when we got up and they hadn't known he was there at all. We stayed at my dad's house in Tampa the first night, and he got to meet his grandson for the very first time! They were smitten with each other. We went to clearwater beach, which I'm obsessed with, and Leo got to put his toes in the ocean for the very first time! California water is too cold all year round so it was good for all of us! Even at six weeks old we could tell how immediately happy he was as soon as we stepped out into the salty humid air. His wispy little baby hairs blew in the wind and he quietly studied everything with a contentedness. It was a magical first that we'll never forget and Clearwater will always be special for that.

Drey $ Nicole