New favorite song alert! It's seriously magical, like you're wandering through a fairytale book or a Disney story. I heard it for the first time today and literally had chills on my whole body in my eighty two degree apartment in the middle of summer. I've loved Eisley since the beginning of highschool and all of the DuPree sisters have voices of angels, so I was bound to like this side project with Stacy, her husband Derek (Drummer of Mute Math- another long time favorite band!), and husband of Elsie from A Beautiful Mess! Something about it reminds me a little of Bjork, Imogen Heap, obviously Eisley with vocals, and Sigur Ros with the violins...the perfect combination. I can't stop listening, it's just not long enough! I'm currently sucked in an all things Eisley associated listening spree on youtube and I think some itunes purchases will have to be made.
Drey $ Nicole