When we were in Florida we visited this little landmark called the Bonet House. It was the hand built home of a famous painter and his wife, who put every ounce of creativity and love into it that their 98 year old lives could possibly produce. I immediately fell in love with this property (how could you not?!) with its bright colored beach house vibe, hand painted ceilings, vintage carasale animals, large extravagant decor and statues brought back from travels around the world, acres of magical rainforest lands, wild talking birds, white swans, dozens of turtles, ginormous oak trees and palm trees, tiki huts, circus tents, and flower filled greenhouses. It had the perfect mix of royalty with it's fancy interior (sadly we weren't allowed photos inside), to it's tropical views of the ocean, and the large open shutters bringing in the salty sea breeze. We explored for hours and I'm lusting to go back for hours more. It really is something to see!
Drey $ Nicole