Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Queen Mary

Right before Leo was born my parents came to Long Beach to be here for the birth. He ended up being two weeks late so they had to change their flight and work arrangements, and we had lots of down time. We spent one day strolling the decks of the Queen Mary, which is actually right by G's work and we'd never been. It brought back memories of the time I went on a cruise and being in London, and it made the day so happy. Almost enough to forget about how miserable and impatient I was starting to become! 

Drey $ Nicole

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Leos first time to the Beach!

When Leo was a few weeks old we dropped by the beach after breakfast one morning. It was bright and warm so we didn't stay long, but we dipped his tiny little toes in the sand for the very first time. It was the exact same spot next to the pier where his papa and I had laid out many times, played sand baseball and had many picnics. The same spot I took my very last Dear Baby photos when we were so anxious for his arrival. It all came full circle and we sat there as three! I can't wait until this summer when I can see him smile and hear his giggles as he watches the waves and seagulls all around him. Our boy sure does love the water!

Drey $ Nicole

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Two month old Leo

The second month was full of more smiles and new expressions, lots of accidents on our big new white bed, a visit from my sister and G's mom, more outings - very short ones but more nonetheless, scaring people who didn't notice a baby bundled up and wrapped against me until he made a sound, the beginning of the ever growing bond between TX Bentley and baby, shots, cuddles, sleep, and the scariest heart murmur scare that ended up being nothing. So many pictures to sort through and so many more to come. I never want to get this behind again! 

Drey $ Nicole