Today we took the Bentleys to the doggy beach! Neither of them had ever been to the beach before, so I was mostly excited to see how they would react to the sand and the water. Based on our daily walks around the neighborhood, I didn't anticipate Dallas Bentley wanting to play with the other dogs, he's pretty antisocial. I knew Long Beach Bent would love it though! He's always gone up to any dog, big or small, and become instant bff's with them. Once they got in the sand, they acted like they didn't know where to go. They kept looking around and back up at us like they were confused, but they seemed to like it! Most of the dogs were much bigger than ours and they all seemed to be picking on my small little runt, but LB Bentley was like one of their own, prancing around with all them like a big dog! He kept ending up further and further down the strip getting lost in play, but he'd always come running back full speed and check in with us! While the shy one was glued to my side for protection, I tried to ease him into the water as the waves snuck up, but he wouldn't have a thing to do with it. The whole day was so much fun though! We were like proud parents watching them interact with other pups, and we had huge smiles on our faces the whole time!
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